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Lucía Gómez


Lucia, (b. 1986 in Valencia) is a Spanish artist based in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. She has recently finished her MFA at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Arts (UK) with Distinction. She exhibits regularly in London and internationally since completing her BA (Hons) in Fine Arts in 2011 at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She a member of the London collectives Bad Behavior as well as the Free Painters and Sculptors. Her paintings have been selected for curated shows and competitions like the Lynn Painters-Steiner Prize and twice for the RA Summer Exhibition. She had her work exhibited at the Fitzrovia Gallery, Mall Galleries, The Menier in London as well as The Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh and other venues in Madrid and Valencia. Her work has been shortlisted for The Columbia Threadneedle Prize, awarded with The Stern Prize for Figurative and has been published by The Times.

She has also worked as a volunteer at the Koestler Trust assisting the team with their famous award. Her work as editor has been published in the Spanish magazine for contemporary art and design 100Grados Fanzine.

For enquiries or to arrange an appointment for visiting her studio please go to the contact page.

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In our constantly accelerating lives we have come to consume images of violence at a previously unimaginable pace. These images brought to us by the mass media get mixed, corroded and blurred turning into a visual battlefield. In the post-truth era of Trump it becomes ever more apparent how truth and lie, sense and non-sense can become almost indistinguishable, how the absurd is a core characteristic of our existence, and how attracted to annihilation we are.

My work reflects on how we experience mankind’s own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure through the consumption of images of violence and suffering. By combining contemporary with historic imagery my paintings aim to open up a new perspective to the audience on how humankind has evolved – or not – across the centuries.

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2017 – 2018 MFA at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art at the University of Dundee
2006 – 2011 Long Cycle Degree (BA (Hons)) in Fine Arts at the St Charles Faculty of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia

Selected Courses
2016 – 2018 TURPS Correspondence Course, under tuition of Covadonga Valdés
2015 Level 3 Award in Education and Training (Previously PTLLS)
2015 Chinese Brush Painting at School of Traditional Arts, London
2015 Transmedia Storytelling at London College of Communication
2014 Financial and Legal Concepts for the Art World at Sotheby’s, London
2014 Curatorial Procedures, Exhibition Design and Marketing at Node Centre for Curatorial Studies, Berlin

Summer Exhibition Royal Academy of Arts 2018 (Exhibited)
The Columbia Threadneedle Prize 2018 (shortlisted)
Stern Prize for Figurative Painting 2016
Colin Dakers Memorial Prize 2016 – Commended
Summer Exhibition Royal Academy of Arts 2016 (Exhibited x2)
Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize 2016 (Finalist x2)
Roy Rasmussen Award 2016 – Honourable Mention

Connecting with art at the Tatha Gallery in Newport by Michael Alexander, The Courier, May 19th, 2017
Art Maze Magazine Issue 2, Guest Curator Beers London, March 2017
Visual art: Fly 2016 at RSA, Edinburgh by Giles Sutherland, The Times, December 8th, 2016
Summer Exhibition Illustrated 2016, pp. 22 and 147, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2016
Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize Exhibition Catalogue, 2016
Fresh Paint Magazine International Issue 11, Guest Curator Herrick Gallery, February 2016



Selected Exhibitions

FPS 2018, Muse Gallery, London
Beyond the Masters, West Ward Works, Dundee
MFA Show, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Arts, Dundee
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2018, curated by Rebecca Wilson, Saatchi Art
RA Summer Exhibition 2018, Royal Academy of Arts, London

8th Edition Painting and Photography, Historical Centre of Military Culture, Palma of Majorca
Winter Show, Tatha Gallery, Newport-on-Tay
ASP Fair Glasgow – Dundee Print Collective, CCA, Glasgow
A Free Moment – FPS Exhibition, OXO Tower Gallery, London
Connections, Tatha Gallery, Newport-on-Tay
Past, Present and Future, Dundee Print Collective, Slessor Gardens, Dundee

Edition Three, Dundee Print Collective, WASPS, Dundee
Winter Exhibition, The Menier Gallery, London
Winter Exhibition, The Meffan Gallery, Forfar
FLY 2016 – Visual Arts Scotland, The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh
Auction for West London Action for Children, Christie’s, London
Cause and Effect, Tatha Gallery, Newport-on-Tay
Bad Behaviour Open 2016, Brixton East Gallery, London
Auction for Transplant Links, Landmark Arts Centre, London
Riverside Artists Group, La Grada, Madrid
Saatchi Art Artists at the Royal Academy 2016, curated exhibition, Saatchi Art
RA Summer Exhibition 2016, Royal Academy of Arts, London
Riverside Artists Group, The Cavendish Centre, London
Spring 16 – FPS Exhibition, The Fitzrovia Gallery, London
Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize Exhibition, Mall Galleries, The Mall, London

Free Painters and Sculptors – Open Exhibition (FPS), Menier Gallery, London
ICADF – Islington Contemporary Art & Design Fair, Candid Arts Gallery, London
The End of Year Art Group Show, The Stables in Exile Gallery, London
Postcards, exhibition at ACAVA Studios, curated by Art West, London
Floral and Plants, curated exhibition, Saatchi Art

Retrato sin rostro (Faceless Portrait), Concert Hall, Valencia
Para cuento el nuestro (Our Story), La Minúscula Gallery, Valencia
Espais sonors (Sound spaces), Sala María Moliner, Valencia
Carteles FGV Fallas de Valencia 2011 (Poster Fallas of Valencia), Bailen station, Valencia
Artificial, naturalmente (Artificial, Naturally), cultural centre Al-Russafí of Ruzafa, Valencia
Dia Mundial contra el SIDA (World AIDS Day), Politechnic University of Valencia
Carteles Máster en Producción Artística (Posters MA Artistic Production), Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia
Moneda al aire (Flipping a Coin), short film presentation, Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia
Ephemeral Art, cultural centre of Alginet, Valencia
La Forma, encuentro de sensibilidades (The Form, Encounter of Sensitivities), cultural centre of Benimaclet. Valencia


Calle Temple, 11 b- 07001 - Palma de Mallorca - Spain

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